Copyright © 2024 StevenCodeLab . StevenCodeLab
My name is Laksamana Steven Morison, i was born on September 11 2000, i graduate with bachelor's degree in computer science from Universitas Teknologi Yogyakarta in 2023..
Now, i work as an Odoo Developer at a company in Yogyakarta since 2023. My Job is about develop a new module or recreate existing modules from Odoo Open ERP, based on user requests.
I also work as a Freelance Web Developer who receives services to create WebApps, Landing Pages, Company Profiles, Portfolios and Resumes/Cvs, you can check on my Website right here StevenCodeLab and see my works or click on the Contact Me button bellow.
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Copyright © 2024 StevenCodeLab . StevenCodeLab